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The Case of the Missing Dog Named Coca

by Ruben

Pages 2 and 3 of 6

The Case of the Missing Dog Coco
By: Ruben
One summer day I was coming home from work. When I arrived home I went to look for my fluffy dog Coco. I love my fluffy dog because he is so cute. I went upstairs to look for my dog Coco, but he wasn't there. So I decided to look in the toy room but he wasn't there either! I got really worried and screamed ''Oh no, my dog is missing!''
So I quickly ran downstairs and thought where else should I look Could he be hiding in the dryer. So, I went off to check, but he wasn't there! I looked down on the floor and saw a clue. There was a clue that said go outside. Now, this was becoming a real mystery! So, I must be around here somewhere! I had to act quickly like a real detective to solve the case of the missing dog Coco. Where could Coco have gone?
The clue led me to look in the bushes. I could't believe my eyes there he was hiding beneath the bushes. I quickly gave my dog Coco a big big hog. The case of the missing dog coco was finally solved and my hard detective work had paid off!

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