Book Creator


by Mason Miller

Pages 6 and 7 of 17

If you are. Between second and third you have to be ready because usually kids hit right towards that

Area. So sometimes. I can go flying towards you. Get ready it's not going to hit you if you focus. Catch the ball and I will be in out and watch is the person on the third base was running to Home. Intro to home and they will be out and if. First Basin they transfer to second base that means to throw to second base. Is there a second base and they're running towards. Third base and throw to third base and it might be an out just like the others.
You hit the ball. You run straight towards. First base. As hard as you can. And. If you hit the ball and Outfield. Run toward second as hard as you can. But don't run straight towards it. Through first base and look towards second. base

If you can run towards that as fast as you can and Target and stay on it with your feet. And if the pictures was a bad ball in your on first base and the catcher doesn't catch it. You run to Second as hard as you can until I get with your feet and stay on it.
You hit the ball. You run straight towards. First base. As hard as you can. And. If you hit the ball and Outfield. Run toward second as hard as you can. But don't run straight towards it. Through first base and look towards second. base

If you can run towards that as fast as you can and Target and stay on it with your feet. And if the pictures was a bad ball in your on first base and the catcher doesn't catch it. You run to Second as hard as you can until I get with your feet and stay on it.

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