Book Creator

Auszug Class journal Wales 6d

by class 6d and Anja Sasse

Pages 2 and 3 of 29

Beautiful Wales
A 6D class journal (Auszug)
written and illustrated by GymBo students with the help of Mrs Sasse
Dear 6d,

let us create a book together! But not an ordinary book. No, a book filled with all your knowledge and interesting facts about Wales. A book that is exciting, informative, entertaining and great to look at.

This is different from your normal research work, isn't it?
First you need to pick a topic of your choice.
Then you must go on a research hunt to become an expert on your topic and find visuals, links, or even music and videos.
After that you can write your texts and put your pages together.

This is not an easy task. But I know that you will do a GREAT job.

Have fun!
Mrs Sasse








How to use Book Creator

Culture: language, food and more

Cities, castles and other sights

Beautiful landscape

Famous Welsh people

Sport, sport, sport

In the picture you can see how much people speak welsh where the most.
Welsh language
Welsh is still widely spoken today as it is still learned as a mother tongue by many children and spoken by everyone in society. In a few parts of the country, especially in the north, Welsh speakers are still in the majority today, with a share of up to 70%. Over the past ten years, the percentage of speakers has remained the same, while before that it slowly but steadily decreased.
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In the picture you can see how much people speak welsh where the most.
that means nice to meet you.
This is a picture from the town with the longest name in wales.
The small town with a long name
There are a lot of letters in this name
Thought Bubble
About the name
the name of the town is: Llan-vire-pooll-guin-gill-go-ger-u-queern-drob-ooll-llandus-ilio-gogo-goch. Apparently the city originally had a short name (and dates back to the Neolithic; 4.000-2.000 BC.), but added a ton of syllables to attract tourists. Which obviously worked: Every year tourist come to take a picture in front of the name tag, or just to have been there.
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General informations
The small town on the island of Anglesey in the north west of Wales is famous for his really long name. It has the longest name in Europe and the second longest offical one-word name in the World. It has 58 letters ,it usually has 51 letters in Welsh. Originally in the 19th century, the town was named Llanfair Pwllgwyngyll, meaning "The Mary church by the pool near the white hazles". But when a railway line ran throgh the village at the 1850s, the residents where looking for a way to get train passengers to stop.
Name meaning
Castle Coch
Castle Coch is a fresh red castle near Cardiff. It was built in the end oft he 11th century. In Welsh it means red castle. It was built by Gilbert de Clare who was called „Gilbert the red“. The castle was destroyed in 1314 and rebuilt in 1875. That’s the reason why it looks so new.
There are a lot of details to be found:
A drawing room with many paintings on the wall an the ceiling, red windows and balkonies and a simple sleeping room in the gatehouse.
Castle Coch today
The balkonies
Ruins of Castle Coch
(Painting by Julius Ceasar Ibbetson 1792)
Castle Coch has got three circular towers, the keep, the kitchen tower and the well tower.
It's only 20 minutes from Cardiff!
Castle Coch is surrounded by an interesting landscape: It stands in a beech forrest, near sandstone rocks, a river and a vineyard.
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Fiete Janusz Becker
The entrance fee at Castle Coch is 7 pounds 30 for a day.