Book Creator

Great Masterpieces of the European Literature

by Erasmus + KA2


This ebook contains the adaptations of six masterpieces of literature from Germany, Estonia, Slovenia, Turkey, Greece and Spain and it was born as the result of the Erasmus+ project 'Great Masterpieces of the European Literature'.

The aim of this project was to get students from different backgrounds and cultures to work together using literature and English as the vehicle.
Thanks to this project students improved their language skills and had the opportunity to learn about other cultures and costumes.
The work did not only implied the adaptation of the original masterpiece, but the translation, illustration, production and interpretation of the music included in this ebook and the audio of the story. 
Everything you see or hear in this ebook has been produced by the students, always with the help of their teachers, taking the A2 level of European Reference of Language as a reference for the level of difficulty of the language in the book.
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As in a Movie
Vinko Möderndorfer
ašperjevo življenje poteka kar v redu. Vsaj on tako misli. Mama mu pravi, naj bo strpen do drugačnega mišljenja, sama pa to definitivno ni. Gašper si je nekega dne želel ogledati film in je vprašal mamo za dovoljenje. Gladko, brez razmišljanja, mu je rekla ne. Ogled mu je preprečeval znak +12, kar je pomenilo, da mora biti starejši od 12 let, kar pa ni bil. To ga je zelo motilo. Mama mu venomer govori, da takšni filmi slabo vplivajo na njegovo psiho. Gašper seveda ni vedel, kaj to pomeni in je izraz psiha "poguglal". Izvedel je, da je psiha nekaj, kar imamo v glavi, pa ne kot kakšen organ, je nekaj takšnega kot počutje, povezano z živčnostjo. Njegova mama je bila velikokrat
živčna in ni čudno, da ji je bil izraz všeč. Gašper se je odločil, da ne bo dovolil, da ga psiha pokvari.
ašper’s life was going very well. At least he thought so. His mom was saying to him to be patient to people with different opinions, but she definitely was not. One day Gašper wanted to watch a movie and he asked his mom for permission. Easily, without thinking, she said no. The movie had a +12 sign, which meant that he couldn’t watch it as he was 11 years old. That made him angry. His mom told him that these movies weren’t good for his psyche. Gašper didn’t know what this expression meant so he tried to find it on the Internet. He found out that psyche was something we had in our heads, but not as an organ. It was something like a feeling and connected with nervousness. His mom was nervous many times and that was probably why she liked the word so much.
Listen to the story and music!
ašperjevi družini so trije - on, mama in ata. Ata dela v pisarni in ima nesposobnega šefa. Mama obračunava plače. Zna pa tudi lepo slikati. Kadar je bila dobre volje, je pekla palačinke, ko pa je bila slabe volje, je sedela ob oknu in gledala ven. Zadnje čase je bilo slabe volje kar veliko. Oče je veliko gledal TV. Življenje je bilo bedno.
V Gašperjevem razredu so bile štiri skupine. V prvi skupini so bile punce, ki jih je vodila Marjana, drugo skupino punc je vodila Tina, v tretji so bili Žele, Pero in Jole, v četrti pa sta bila Gašper in Marko. Gašper se je s Tino veliko pogovarjal po Skypu, bila mu je všeč, ampak v šoli nista komunicirala. Želel jo je vprašati, če je pri njej doma tudi tako kot pri njem, a je pogovor zašel čisto v drugo smer.
ašper was an only child and lived with his parents. His dad worked in an office and had a really incompetent boss. His mom was an accountant. She could also paint nicely. When she was in a good mood she baked pancakes but when she was sad she just sat by the window and looked outside. Lately, she was often sad. Dad watched a lot of TV. Life was miserable.
In Gašper’s class there were four groups. In the first group there were girls led by Marjana and in the second group Tina was the leader of girls. In the third group there were Žele, Pero and Jole and Gašper and his friend Marko formed the fourth group.
Gašper talked to Tina a lot but not at school. They often talked over Skype, he liked her. He wanted to ask her if she was bored at home as he was but their talk went in another direction.
ama je v nedeljo neprestano hodila v spalnico. Ata ni bilo doma in Gašper jo je zalotil, ko si je v usta vrgla tableto in jo pogoltnila brez vode. Vprašal jo je, če je bolna, ona pa mu je odkimala in odšla v kuhinjo. Hitro je šel pogledat na internet, saj je posumil, da se njegova mama drogira. Izprašal jo je, kaj je transcendentalna meditacija (ki je eden od stranskih učinkov), ona pa tega ni vedela. Vesel je ugotovil, da se njegova mama ne drogira.
om walked a lot to the bedroom on Sunday. Dad was not at home and Gašper caught her when she threw a pill into her mouth and swallowed it without water. He asked her if she was sick, but she just shook her head and went to the kitchen. He quickly went on the Internet, suspecting that his mother was on drugs. He asked her what transcendental meditation (which was one of the side effects) was, but she did not know. He happily established that his mom did not eat drugs.
ašper se je odpravljal spat, ata pa še vedno ni bilo doma. Ni in ni mogel zaspati in tako je slišal ata, ki se je zelo pozno vrnil s tekme. Z mamo sta se najprej pogovarjala, nato pa začela prepirat o tem, da bi naj ata varal mamo. Gašper je vse to poslušal in, kljub temu, da je hotel zaspati, ni mogel. Nekaj mu ni dalo miru, nekaj je bilo hudo narobe. Gašper ima le enega dedka in eno babico, ki sta sedaj v domu. Prej sta imela svoje stanovanje, a ga je ata »zapufal« pri mafiji. Takrat začne Gašper razmišljati, da je ata morda mafijec. Vse to je »poguglal« in preveril podatke. Zaključil je, da sta njegova starša vohuna, ki živita dvojno življenje.