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Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī
Persian mathematician Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī, sometimes known as the father of algebra, was one of the most influential thinkers of all time. He revolutionised algebra and his seminal works in mathematics, astronomy and geography have proved to be the keystone for centuries of advances across the world.
At this centre of scientific research and teaching, he oversaw the translation of many major Greek and Indian mathematical and astronomy works into Arabic. He also produced original work that had a lasting influence on the advance of Muslim and European mathematics.
Ali Kuşçu
Ali Kuşçu was born in Semerkand. He is one of the most important astronomer and mathematician who lived in 15th century. 
He worked as a professor in Hagia Sofia.
 Ali Kuşçu measured the latitude and longitude of Istanbul and made some solar clocks. He influenced many scientists of his time with his studies. He has written two important books in the field of astronomy and mathematics. One of them is called "Fethiye" which is about astronomy. In this book the layers of the planets, shape of the Earth and the movements of the planets are discussed. And the other book of him is "Muhammediye" which is a mathematic book.
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Ali Kuşçu was born in Semerkand. He is one of the most important astronomer and mathematician who lived in 15th century. 
 Earlier of his mid-age he completed his studies at Semerkand. After then he went to Ottoman Empire and worked at there as a professor in Hagia Sofia. He gave lectures and prepared the learning schedule of Fatih Külliye.
 Ali Kuşçu measured the latitude and longitude of Istanbul and made some solar clocks. He influenced many scientists of his time with his studies.
 Ali Kuşçu has written two important books in the field of astronomy and mathematics. One of them is called "Fethiye" which is about astronomy. He tributed this book to Fatih Sultan Mehmet after the victory of Otlukbeli War.
 In this book the layers of the planets, shape of the Earth and the movements of the planets are discussed. And the other book of him is "Muhammediye" which is a mathematic book.
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