Book Creator

Choose Your Own Adventure

by Mrs Salmon and the 5b Bubble

Pages 4 and 5 of 25

You chose Jeff......
There is an eerie silence after Jeff has boarded the gleaming rocket and we both wait for the countdown. I count in my head along with the computer generated voice coming through the radio from the ground below.
"5, 4, 3, 2..." teeth gritted and fists clenched I wait for the final number and the roaring whoosh of the boosters firing. But instead a wailing siren fills the air like a fire alarm only louder and at a higher pitch. I look frantically to the side and see Jeff, he is gnawing and tugging at the oxygen tubes! A sad and deflated voice cuts through the siren and says "Mission Aborted. Bad boy Jeff, Bad Boy!" My adventure is over before it really began. Jeff forgot his favourite chew toy, Mr Froggy and he always chews when he is nervous. Better luck next time.
Click Earth to go back and choose again