Book Creator

My Growth Mindset Journal

by Cooper K.

Pages 2 and 3 of 16

Table of Contents

Chapter One: Reflection One

What have you realized about your own grit and effort?
Where do you show these skills best?
How could you use those skills more?

Chapter Two: Reflection Two

Chapter 3: Reflection Three

Have your thought on intelligence changed as a result of a new understanding?
Can you think of a time you received fixed/growth mindset praise? Did you notice a difference in your success?
How have your thoughts on achievement in schools changed as a result of a new understanding?

Chapter 4: Reflection 4

What am I willing to fail at this year in order to learn?
What factors can you identify that will help you succeed?
How will you keep your growth mindset time after time, task after task, through failure and success?
Chapter One: Reflection One