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Mrs. Nielsen's Class Book

by Jana Nielsen

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Ms. Nielsen's Class Book
Hi Students and Families!

My name is Jana Nielsen and I am so excited to start the 2021-2022 school year with you! This year is very cool because most of us are in our second year at Antelope Canyon, and feeling a bit more settled and comfortable.

Here's a little about me:
I graduated from the University of Utah and taught for four years before having my four children. After twenty years, in 2015 I came back to the classroom, and this year will be my eleventh year of teaching. I completed my Master's Degree in Curriculum and Instruction in February 2020.

I am thrilled to be at Antelope Canyon, and I think sixth graders are AWESOME! I enjoy hiking, riding my Peleton and road bike, and any chocolate, any time. I also have an addiction to Swedish Fish and licorice, all types. I have a very spoiled four-month-old granddaughter named Ava, a grandpuppy named Ruby (also spoiled), and a daughter getting married in October!

I love starting each new school year, and am looking forward to getting to know each of you! Please feel free to contact me with any concerns or questions.
Grandbaby Ava
Me in Teacher Mode
Grandpuppy Ruby
My Kiddos!
Taking a Hike
Biking in Idaho
6th Grade Curriculums
The curriculums we will be using this year include: Open Up Mathematics, Journeys, FOSS Science, and Jordan District Social Studies lessons. These programs are rigorous and will challenge all students.
Open Up Mathematics is new to Jordan School District, and I participated in the pilot program, so this will be my fourth year teaching Open Up. I love this math program because it gives ALL students an entry point to approach math concepts. Students love this math program!
English/Language Arts
We will be using the Jordan School District reading curriculum called Journeys. Students will practice targeted reading skills, and will be working on narrative, argument and informational writing.
Students will be learning science this year using the FOSS Curriculum. This curriculum is new to Jordan District, and provides interesting and fun experiments and investigations. In 6th grade we study Populations and Ecosystems, Planetary Science, and Weather and Water.
Classroom Expectations
Within the first days of school our class will create our class rules together following a Be Responsible, Be Respectful and Be Safe model.
Students are assigned to read 30 minutes per school night each week, or 150 minutes for a full week of school. The 150 minutes can be distributed among the days of the week or weekend. Parent initials are required for each week. Students will have a Reading Log in a plastic folder, and the minutes will be recorded on this log for the entire first term. Due dates and other details are included on the Reading Log.
Students will have a spelling list each week, and they may wish to practice at home.
Students may bring home any work they do not complete at school, but usually there is enough time given at school to do the work. Occasionally there will be additional homework.
More Very Important Stuff...
Cell Phones - Sixth graders are NOT allowed to have cell phones OUT at school, and this includes recess. If students bring a cellphone to school, it must be kept inside a backpack. School phones are available if students need to contact a parent. Students should let me know if there is a special circumstance, or if it is necessary to use their personal cell phone. Please ask me before you get your cellphone out of the backpack.
Make-up Work for Absences - Work will be collected in a folder when students are absent. Students should finish the work they miss within a few days of the absence. I will work with you on this, but it is very important for students to complete all of the work they miss, as concepts often build upon each other.
Dress Code - Students are expected to follow the school/district dress code.
Sixth grade is a very important year for students. I tell them they are "in training" for middle school. It is very important that students develop good organizational skills and are responsible for assignments, parent signatures, and turning things in on time.

Middle school will be a much easier adjustment if students have developed these skills. Please help me prepare our students for their next big step!!

This year has some unique challenges, but we will get through it together, and we will THRIVE!
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns:

Antelope Canyon: 801-567-8950