Book Creator

Titanic-Ship of Dreams

by Cormac Cahill

Pages 6 and 7 of 167

Harland & Wolff
Between 1900 and 1930, Harland and Wolff was Belfast's biggest employer by a long way. Thousands of people worked in the ship yards and demand for ocean liners was huge. Although ships are still built in Harland and Wolff today, the number of ships and people actually employed is much less than in the heyday of the early 20th century.
The Harland and Wolff shipyard was founded in 1861 by Edward James Harland and Gustav Wilhelm Wolff. At its height, Harland and Wolff and the ship yard in Belfast became one of the biggest ship builders in the world. Harland and Wolff own one of the world's largest dry docks, which is in Belfast. They constructed over 70 ships for the White Star Line, The Titanic being the best known of these.
Construction on Titanic began in 1909.
The Workforce
15,000 men worked on the construction of The Titanic some as young as 14 years old. It was noisy and dangerous work. Thousands of men carrying equipment along planks high above the hull spelled danger. Men were injured by falling or being hit by equipment. 8 men died during its construction and 246 were injured. One worker was crushed to death at the launch.
About 20% of the workforce was made up of unskilled labourers. The skilled labourers carried out the many specialised jobs needed to build a luxury liner.