Book Creator

The Universe

by Cormac Cahill

Pages 6 and 7 of 19

Let’s take things a bit further and start thinking about how far you could travel in one year if you were travelling at the speed of light. We call this a Light Year. Our Solar System is about 2 light years from one end to the other. This means that if you were travelling on a spaceship from one side to the other it would take you 2 years to get there. Remember it would take you about 1 tenth of a second to travel around the Earth. 2 years is taking you on a very very long journey. And we’ve only just reached the edge of the Solar System.
It took the Voyager 1 Spacecraft 35 years to reach the end of the Solar System. And it started its journey from Earth and not the edge.
When you look up at the sky at night you are looking further than our Solar System. All those tiny stars are actually Suns but they are a very, very, very, very long way away. What you are seeing is stars from a galaxy called the Milky Way.