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Essays on water pollution

by Class 7a7b

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(class 7)
Water pollution
Water pollution is one of nature’s biggest problems. People use water very often for example, for drinking, bathing and other purposes.

But few think that it is sometimes polluted. People are building factories; they throw waste into rivers or lakes. Humans also pollute water by throwing plastic bags, packages, bottles, etc. into the water. Chemicals and fertilizers also pollute water if they get into it. This water harms the fish and can even kill them.

To help nature we have to try to filter the water, dispose the waste properly,... We should also stop using or reduce the use of chemicals that harm our nature or water. If we all help, the situation will improve.
By Arminas Lunius (class 7a)
Water is precious and we need it to survive, but if we keep trashing it, we might not have any clear water left, many sea and land animals will die because of litter and chemicals. We must prevent from happing this!

It’s the problem of water pollution. We are polluting water in many ways. If we don’t do something soon, there will be no clean water left. Then chemicals get into the water, it is dangerous to our health. Some bacteria are harmful and it can make people very ill and can kill the animals that live in the water.

We should stop using harmful chemicals in and around our homes and be environmentally friendly. We should take care of the trees and plant new ones to help prevent soil erosion and provide a natural water system for ground water, also we must dispose of litter, pet waste, leaves and grass clippings properly, so they won’t go down drains and end up in rivers, lakes and the sea.
By Emilija D. (class 7a)
People pollute the Earth’s water very easily in many ways. If people don’t do anything to help this situation, we will have an issue.
The issue is, if people keep throwing trash in the ocean, sea animals will die and the corals, water will not be clean and dangerous even to touch it. And there won’t be any drinkable water. It’s also harmful in ponds or rivers, not just in the ocean.
If we all work together on cleaning the ocean by picking up rubbish, the situation will improve. Most importantly put rubbish in trash bins, nowhere else.
By Vakaris V. (class 7a)
People pollute water in many ways by throwing to the sea toxic waste, rubbish, plastic bottles, fishing gears. If we don’t do something soon, all fish and exotic water animal will go extinct because the rubbish harm all animals and they can’t live in a perfect environment for them water is like for us air.

The problem with water pollution is that it is dangerous to people and it can also effect people because if all water got polluted we couldn’t neither swim nor drink water or use it for our plants.

We can start cleaning, getting rid of the rubbish and plastic in the ocean - it wouldn’t be quick progress but if we all help, the situation will improve.
By Ignas B. (class 7a)
People pollute water in many ways. If we don’t do something soon, we will get worse and worse.
The problem with water pollution is that animals are dying. It is also a widespread problem of water pollution that is jeopardizing our health. The 80 percent of the world's wastewater is dumped — largely untreated — back into the environment, polluting rivers, lakes, and oceans.
Soils and groundwater contain the residue of human agricultural practices and also improperly disposed of industrial wastes.
We can help stop it, a few things you can do to stop that problem. Pick up litter and throw it away in a garbage can (first step to stop pollution), you can also wash your car or outdoor equipment where it can flow to a gravel or grassed area instead of a street. If we all help, the situation will improve. 
By Kamilė J. (class 7a)
Water pollution is a very big problem in the world. Some people don’t even think about what a discarded bag means. Many plastic bottles, bags and boxes are discarded in the world every day.

The bottles break down in about two hundred years. It’s a really big gap of the year. Millions of bottles, bags, boxes are thrown away every day. So waste needs to be recycled. Garbage has been dumped in Lithuania, near Kėdainiai.

A mountain has already formed there, the length of which is already almost a kilometer and its height is about eighty meters. In the Pacific Ocean, there is even an island made up of plastic bags alone. So let’s sort and recycle waste.
By Ignas K. (class 7a)
People pollute water in many ways. If we don’t do something soon, chances are, if we keep polluting, our ice caps will melt.

The problem with water pollution is that it is jeopardizing our health and environment. Unsafe water kills more people each year than war and all other forms of violence combined. Rising global temperatures caused by CO2 emissions heat the water, reducing its oxygen content. It can also harm fish and other aquatic organisms – they may suffocate or suffer from diseases.

We can help this situation by simply doing these things:
o  pick up litter and throw it away in a garbage can;
o  use less plastic;
o  similar to oils, cleaning chemicals are hazardous when they enter the water supply.
And more… If we all help, the situation will improve.
By Kamilė R. (class 7a)