Book Creator

Dot & Line Issue 4

by Mandi Tolen

Pages 2 and 3 of 10

issue 4
March 2022
Spring Edition
Banned Books
Contact Cards
Photo by Aamyr on Unsplash
With Spring in the air you can also put some Spring in your Google. Here are some Google resources to bring Spring into your classroom.
Google Slides
Paula at SlidesMania has two really fun slide decks for Spring and Easter. One has an agenda you can use and the other has some Jamboard templates. Just click on the image to visit SlidesMania and download.
Why Canva? This is a Google article! Well.... you can download Canva as a presentation to your Google Drive and then open it in Google Slides. Here are a few templates available in Canva.
Google Fonts
Google fonts are already loaded in your Google Apps. Once you click the font button, you can select more fonts and you have so many to choose from. This is a list of fonts and a color palette you can use to spruce up your Google Apps for Spring. The rain boot was created in Google Drawing using the curve tool.
In my book, Make Math Not Suck, I talk about how a teacher should be neutral in the classroom. You can have your beliefs, but your job is to support each and every student that walks into your classroom. You don't have to understand and you don't have to agree, but you do have to support them and give them a safe space to learn and grow as people.

The recent ban on books does not do this. It is not checking your personal beliefs at the door so you can support your students. Banning books supports ONE side and ONE view and says all other views are wrong. This is not how the United States of America, which is founded on FREEDOM is supposed to be.

I have compiled some books on the banned book list for you to check out. I have read some, but not all of the book on this list. Please don't judge them until you read them. When you read them, see your students in them, not yourself. Be supportive and accepting without judgement.

We don't get to impose your beliefs on our students and we MUST support them all!
These digital wallpapers are so much fun. You can use them at a conference as a phone screen wallpaper to quickly share your contact with others. You could send them in an email to parents or students to share a class project or portfolios. They were designed in Canva but you could also use Google Drawing or any other image editing program. Canva allows you to put a QR code in without a secondary site, but some secondary sites create fun QR codes. I included one from
QR code from
Practice Sets in Google Classroom
Getting Googley
Google Classroom Update
Google Classroom is beta testing practice sets right now. This allows you to create personalized lessons with feedback. This should be available by next school year.
Google Classroom finally allows you to schedule to multiple classes at the same time. Alice Keeler shares a great tutorial on her website.
Fun Google Search
In a Google search bar search fun facts. A Google card appears with a random fact. If you refresh the page, you get a new fact. How fun!