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Rudolph is Missing

by Jacob

Pages 2 and 3 of 6

Stomp! stomp! Santa's heavy footsteps echoed on the way to the barn. Santa gave all the reindeer an orange carrot. However, one carrot was left in the bucket. Santa wondered which reindeer was missing? He called all the reindeer's names and Rudolph didn't answer. Santa realises Rudolph is missing. Santa sends Dan the Elf to look for Rudolph. Where could Rudolph be?
First, Dan the Elf was sure he saw Rudolph in the distance. Rudolph's nose was glowing far in the woods. In a second, Dan the Elf ran to the woods. Is that Rudolph? No! Dan the Elf was disappointed. It was a pompom on a tree. Where could Rudolph be?

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