Book Creator

Junior Infants Virtual Tour Book

by Gardiner Street School


Gardiner Street Primary School

Junior Infants Virtual Tour Book
September 2020
Hello Boys and Girls,
Welcome to Gardiner Street School.  We know that we could not hold our Open Day in March so the teachers and I decided to show you our beautiful school in a virtual tour! 
I hope you enjoy your trip around the school. When you start school on 27th August, I look forward to showing you our library, our computer room, our soft playgrounds, our Rainbow Yard, our bug hotel and our home for the worms! You will meet all of the wonderful teachers, the Special Needs Assistants, the caretaker, Julius, our secretary, Anita and our Home School Community Liaison Teacher, Ellie.  It will be very exciting!
Have a great summer,
Eileen O’Doherty
Gardiner Street Primary School
Each morning you will line up here with your class and wait for your teacher.
This is our lovely playground where you will play with all your new friends!