Book Creator

The Pen Might Be Mightier Than The Sword; A Poetry Compendium

by Charlie R

Pages 2 and 3 of 41

The pungent, malignant, air
The black, crispy, burning food
The glorious, flowing hair
The Painful, dour mood
These are but a few, an image, a picture in text, a painting with words, and a poem
And even when they say “Not Today” you do it anyways.
And when you need a brief description, a red cloak
It is more
A glorious deep crimson, standing out from the deep metallic hues of the knight’s armour,
It is light. It is Dark. It is everything in between
For that red cloak is more,
Not just a cloak, but a statement,
A piece of art,
It is enough to make the difference between
“Imagination” and True Imagination
From Boredom, to interest
That is Imagery
For this poem, I took inspiration from a poem we read in class called: A Poem, as I thought it had some powerful imagery that would make my poems more interesting
For this poem, I took inspiration from a poem we read in class called: A Poem, as I thought it had some powerful imagery that would make my poems more interesting