Book Creator

The Pioneer Weekly - Edition 3

by G37 Students

Pages 4 and 5 of 17

Ms. O’Neill is a fantastic 1st-grade teacher who wants the best for each and every student of hers. Though she absolutely loves 1st grade, if she had to teach a different grade, she would have taught 2nd or 3rd grade. I guess she likes to teach the younger grades! 

Her favorite subjects are art, dance, and theater. She loves teaching here at Pioneer; she says it’s a lovely community and she feels right at home. Her favorite things to do with her students are reading with them and watching them grow as readers throughout the year. She also enjoys sending letters back and forth with her students and learning more about them . . . and eating lunch with them on Fridays!
Ms. O'Neill
Ms. Campbell

Her favorite hobbies are cooking, swing dancing, Lindy Hop, and painting. This is her first year teaching here at Pioneer. This is also her first year having a class of her own! She has worked a lot of jobs in her teens and twenties, and has a hard time deciding what to do! She didn’t decide to become a teacher until 27, and that’s when she went back to school to get her teaching credential and master’s degree. She chose to teach because it combined everything she loved: doing something meaningful with her time, being creative, being a part of a community, having something different to look forward to each day, and being able to spend time being silly with kids! And if she’s not teaching, you’d usually find her sleeping. She says that her students all wear her out! But sometimes when she replenished her energy on the weekends she would go hang out with Ms. Brodetsky, or go to a coffee shop and read, spend time cooking for herself, or just go swing dancing. She doesn’t have any pets right now but she wishes to adopt a dog in a year or two. Also, if she had to pick 1 or 2 places to go for her dream vacation, she’d go to Hokkaido, Japan, because her best friend lives there. Or she'd go to a cute little cottage on an English countryside. And if someone could grant her one wish, it would be to wish for all her student loans to be paid off. And last but not least, she would love to have the power to teleport so she can visit the people she loves whenever she wants without buying plane tickets! Thank you, Ms. O'Neill! We appreciate your hard work as you continue to make our school what it is today.
Ms. Campbell is a loving first grade teacher who we would like to know more about. She has been teaching for over 20 years and enjoys reading books. She chose to teach 1st grade because her passion for reading made her grow to love watching her students become readers. During her spare time, Ms. Campbell enjoys reading and traveling around the world. If she had to teach a different grade it would be kindergarten, because it's the only other grade she's taught.
Her favorite subject in school was Cognitive Development, which is the study of neuroscience (brain science) and psychology, mainly focusing on a child's thoughts or information processing. Her favorite thing to do with her students is actually having her past students come by her classroom and visit her. Ms. Campbell has no pets, and her favorite hobby is reading. She loves the book A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, and as a child her favorite book was Fox in Socks. So a big thank you to Ms. Campbell for all her hard work and dedication to make Pioneer what it is today.
Nesiah interviewed Ms.Keller and these are the questions she asked her.
How long have you been teaching for? She said 4 years.
Do you like teaching first grade? She said she loves it because she gets to see them read.
If you had to teach a different grade what would it be? She said she would like to teach third grade because they can do more stuff by themselves.
And the last question is what is your favorite subject? She said reading.
Ms. Viguie
I interviewed Ms. Vigiue and these are some questions I asked:
Ms. Keller
I asked Ms. Viguie, "What is your favorite animal?" She answered she likes all animals, in the wild to be specific. The second question was, "What is your least favorite animal?" Her answer was mosquitos. "Do you have any pets?" Ms. Viguie said she has a dog named Bella. She said she also has a couple other animals, but she says that they're not really her "pets". Ms. Viguie said she has chickens, horses, and a goat. She feeds them and gives them water but doesn't pet them. Her favorite desert is Strawberry Rhubarb Pie. Those are some facts about Ms. Viguie.