Book Creator

The Pioneer Weekly - Edition 4

by G37 Students

Pages 4 and 5 of 18

Ms. Luciana Rowland
Mr. Chris
by Kaho Atsumi
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to interview Ms. Luciana but please keep in mind that we are thinking of you and really appreciate your hard work as a yard duty!
I interviewed Mr. Chris and here are some questions I asked:
Q: What is your favorite thing to do after work?
A: I have softball
Q: What is your favorite spirit day?
A: Pajama Day
Q: What is your favorite subject?
A: I like English.
Q: If you had a different job, what job would you have?
A: I would be a lifeguard.
Q: If you taught a grade, what grade would you teach?
A: I would teach 2nd grade.
Q: What about yard duty do you like?
A: I get to play rock-paper-scissors.
Q:If you had 1 magic power, what power would you have?
A: I would DEFINITELY be able to be invisible.

Those were the Q and A for Mr. Chris!
This article is about my interview with Ms.Drabkin. (SHE IS ALSO MY MOM)!!!!!!! The first question I asked her was: how would she like to be respected at Pioneer? She replied that she would love it if everybody did good things and she continued teaching and having students. Then I asked her what inspired her to become a reading teacher? She said she always loved to read and she wants everybody to have that same love for reading. Then I asked her if she could make a change in the world, what would it be. She said there were a lot of things she would want to do for the world, but she mainly wants less poverty. Then I asked her if she could have a different job and what would she be. At first, she said professional shopper, but she changed her mind to a stylist. Next, I asked her what she likes most about Pioneer. She immediately answered that she loves the kids and teachers here. Finally, I asked her if she likes being a reading teacher. She said it was a bit challenging, but she likes it a lot.
Ms. Drabkin
Written by Samuel Drabkin

Ms.Mandy is an amazing playground aid and here are some of the questions I asked her. I asked her what is your favorite animal and she said a wolf because they live in packs and that is like a family, every wolf has a role to play. I asked her if she was not a playground aid what would she be and she said she would be a whale trainer at Seaworld. I asked her what is your favorite color and she said red. I asked her what is your favorite hobby and she responded with visiting with her friends. I asked her what is your favorite fruit and she said strawberries because she eats them every day and they are her favorite color. I asked her where is her favorite place to go, and she said the ocean because she loves the smell of saltwater, she likes the feeling of sand between her toes, and she loves the sound of the waves and the seagulls. It's her happy place! I also asked her what is your least favorite food and she said hotdogs. I asked her what is your favorite animal in the amazon and she responded with the amazing toucan. I also asked her if she had any wish what would it be and she responded with it would be for more wishes and then hand them out to all of her favorite people! and last but not least, I asked her what is her favorite subject and she said language arts. guess what!, Ms.Mandy was also on the newspaper staff during high school! And that's the end of this interview!

by Jack Henrichon