Book Creator

The Pioneer Weekly - Edition 7

by G37 Students

Pages 4 and 5 of 18

Ms. Rachel Foley
Ms. Tara Johnson
Unfortunately I wasn't able to interview Ms. Foley, but we appreciate all your hard work to make Pioneer an awesome place!
Currently, Ms. Tara is sick so she is not available to interview.
We are so very sorry but we do wish you a very happy recovery, Ms. Tara!
Thank you for everything you do!
By:Nayeel Shah
Mr. Zach
Mr. Nick Mariano
Hello, Im Sophia from the Pioneer Weekly!, I will be interviewing Mr. Marciano, Here are the questions and replies!

I interviewed Mr. Z, our great counselor here at Pioneer. Here are the questions I asked him. Question 1. How long have you been working at Pioneer? He has been working at Pioneer for 3 years now. Question 2. What is your favorite hobby? He likes exercising and playing video games, but right now he likes sci-fi reading! 3. Do you have any pets? He has a golden doodle named Kaiya. 4. What is your favorite food? He likes lots of foods, but right now he likes lasagna. 5. If you could visit any planet, where would you go? He loves Saturn, so he would go there. 6. If you could have any superpower, what would you have? He says he would easily have teleportation.
Thank you, Mr. Z!

By Miles Haunreiter
photo By Noah Young
photo By Noah Young
How long have you been working at Pioneer? I have been at Pioneer since 2013. 
Do you like working at Pioneer? Yes, very much. I currently work at four schools in the district and each one has their own vibe. Pioneer has a fantastic vibe.
Do you work with a group at Pioneer? I work with Special Education staff and students at Pioneer.
Do you have multiple jobs? In the past I’ve had additional jobs, but right now I’m just an Occupational Therapist.
What are your hobbies? I like kayaking, riding my bike, reading about (or looking at) cars, and watching movies.
What are your favorite things to do? I really enjoy being outside, working on anything automotive, and hanging out with my family.
What are your favorite things about working at Pioneer? My favorite parts about Pioneer are the students, teachers, and staff I am fortunate to work with.
What are some difficulties at Pioneer? Things can be pretty busy at Pioneer, and it can be hard to find time to eat, sit down for a second, or check your e-mail.
How has working at Pioneer made an impact on your life? I have learned so much from the teachers and staff at Pioneer that have helped me to be a more effective therapist and better serve my students.