Book Creator

The Missing Valentine Box

by Alvino


The Missing Valentine Box
By: Alvino
It was the day before Valentine's Day and Jolly Jamal, a quiet, medium sized kid with blue eyes and sweat jeans, was just about to drop a Valentine's Day card in the Valentine box. Jolly Jamal was shocked. The grade four class box was missing. Jolly Jamal decided that he would find the the box and wouldn't stop looking until he found the box. Jamal would keep his eyes open for the box. Jamal wondered who took the Valentine box?
Jamal thought he would investigate his classmates first because only his class had access to the box. First, Jamal walked up to Heart Harold, the guy with green eyes and black hair. Then, Jamal asked,''Hi Harold, what are you doing?" Harold quickly put his hands behind his back. Next, Harold explained that he was making a special card for someone in class. Jamal wondered who took the Valentine box?
Then, Jamal saw Fishing Fisher, the only person in class that liked going fishing. Next, Jamal walked up to Fisher saying,''What are you making, Fisher?'' asked Jamal. Then, Fisher explained that he was making nothing and was looking for the paper that had the words to the song he wrote. A few moments later Fisher yelled,''Yes, I found it!'' Jolly Jamal wondered who took the box?
Then, Jamal started walking down the hallway thinking he would never find the box. Just then, Jamal saw somebody dressed in all black clothes. Jamal started following the person and noticed that the person was carrying a box with a blanket on it. Jamal yelled, "Hey, stop.'' But, instead the person started running and Jamal could hear the person was wearing high heels, "Click,Click,Click." Jamal catches up to the person and pulls off the blanket and . . . it was Mrs. Groves, holding the box.
Not to soon later, Jamal took the box from Mrs. Groves. Then, Jamal went to his classroom and quickly put the box on his desk. Next, Jamal went back to Mrs. Groves and asked why she took the box? Mrs. Groves said that she took the box because she did not like Valentine's Day. Jamal reported Mrs. Groves to the principal and she got fired.