Jenny the Scientist!

by Leila Raden


Jenny the Scientist!
By: Leila Raden
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"of course!" responded dr. jenny.
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"Hi Leila! I discovered a Planet! I saw it through the hubble telescope! it is in between earth and mars!" said Dr. jenny.
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Leila asked "That is amazing! i can't believe you discovered a planet! can i interview you?" 
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"where is the planet located?" leila asked.
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jenny said "it is between earth and mars and it is 123,652,232 kilometers away from the sun,".
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"Does your planet have 
 any moons or rings?" asked leila.
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"my planet has 1 moon , and 0 rings like all inner planets!" dr. jenny informed her.
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"how is it similar to the surrounding planets?" leila questioned her.
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''my planet is similar to earth and mars, because it has 0 rings and a similar amount of moons. Answered dr. jenny also, it has a rocky surface,".
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"what would it be like visiting this planet?" asked leila.
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"the colors would be Aqua and pink, an its surface would be rocky," said jenny.
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