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New England Colonies

by Prateek S.


New England It's Better Than England
New England Colonies
By Prateek S.
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Want to Get Rich?!
Unlike every where else where you have to work hard for money New England is the opposite. Come and cash fish forever! You can also do whaling with the millions of whales in our ocean! There are so many trees waiting to be cut down!
click fish!
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The beautiful New England Land and it's Geography!
New England is a beautiful place to live. There are vast forests and animals. There is a lot of water there and it is clean,so you can drink the water. Unlike the other colonies the water here is clean. Also if you enjoy snow you would love to come here. Where in Georgia and some others there is not snow.
Getting Found
The Puritans wanted to make the church of England better/purified. They were religious people who wanted to practice their religion. Also they got kicked out of Massachusetts.
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Now you may think school is boring,but in New England we have the best of the best. Harvard one of the IV [ivy] league schools is the first school made that is operational. Also Harvard is probably the best school in America. Only the smartest people go there!