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CDA YR New Starters 2022-23

by Aspire

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Welcome to Connor Downs Academy
Welcome to the Aspire Academy Trust.
Aspire is a vibrant, highly successful and widely recognised Trust determined to raise standards of educational achievement to the very highest levels. We don’t just aim for our children to achieve what is average or expected, but for them to excel both academically and in character.
We live in a global economy that requires our children to be prepared to think both critically and creatively, solve complex problems, and to communicate well. Mastery of the basics: reading, writing, maths and technology is our core purpose, and this sits firmly alongside ensuring our children have well-developed social and emotional skills. Aspire academies have a strong emphasis on the sport, arts and social, moral spiritual and cultural education.
All our 29 schools and academies are an integral part of their local communities and have a real sense of identity. We value the contribution each of our communities makes and the distinctive opportunities and diversity it offers to the Trust. By working in true partnership, we offer exceptional learning experiences to all our children, so they benefit from the strength that being part of the extended Aspire family brings. If you want to learn more about us, then please visit our website at

I look forward to hopefully welcoming you to the Aspire family!
Vanessa Bragg
Aspire CEO
Head of School Welcome
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Hello and welcome to Connor Downs Academy. My name is Mrs Eddy and I am delighted to hold the post of Head of School. Please press play to hear my introduction.
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About Our Academy
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We are extremely proud of our children and academy community. Please press play to learn more about life at Connor Downs Academy.
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Vision & Values
Connor Downs Academy creates a caring, nurturing and challenging environment in which all pupils are encouraged to fulfil their potential and are given opportunities to flourish in a wide variety of curricular and extra-curricular interests. We are a learning community that challenges pupils to discover their talents, developing academically, spiritually and socially.

The ethos of the academy is one of mutual support, friendship and respect for others. There is a positive emphasis on praise and encouragement. The academy has a system of awards for all pupils; we celebrate achievement through a structured reward process that encourages everyone to value their own and others’ achievement. A graduated system of responsibilities and privileges operates, to foster the development of responsive, independent individuals who are confident, happy and willing to help others.

We are committed to providing each and every pupil with a stimulating and supportive learning environment which celebrates their unique character and capabilities, allows them to be themselves and enables them to achieve to the best of their ability. At Connor Downs, everyone has the right to experience success.
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"We have a commitment to safeguard our children.  

"We all have a responsibility to act if we are worried about a child.
All children have a right to be safe no matter who they are or what their circumstance. 

"Keeping children safe is everyone's responsibility." 
Every academy within the Aspire Academy Trust is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
We have a number of policies and procedures in place that contribute to our safeguarding commitment, including our Child Protection Policy.
Sometimes we may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a child's welfare. We will ensure that our concerns about our pupils are discussed with parents/carers first, unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the child's welfare.
Trauma-Informed Schools
Trauma Informed Schools UK is a registered community interest company working in association with the Centre for Child Mental Health. It provides training to ensure that every adult in a school or community has the skills and understanding to respond appropriately to the relational and emotional needs children may display.

TiS supports schools to create a mentally healthy environment and culture in which all within the school community, adults and children alike, can flourish and achieve. It advocates a whole school response and evidenced based relational approaches to provide an enriched environment to buffer the impact of stress that may result from adversity and painful life events.

In addition, specially trained Trauma and Mental Health Informed Practitioners offer targeted intervention to children who may be experiencing challenges within their life that without support may act as a barrier to their ability to fully engage with life and learning. 
Our Curriculum
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At Connor Downs Academy, it is our intent to deliver a curriculum which is broad and evolving, which inspires enthusiasm for learning, ensures progress and attainment and supports childrens’ health and well-being.

We firmly believe that there is more to an outstanding curriculum than just preparing children to take tests. We aim to provide a learning environment which is positive, rich and challenging to stimulate all children. 

We ensure that all children have the same entitlement to the full range of the academy’s curriculum; we are inclusive in our practice and appropriate accessibility is assured through differentiation and by adopting a range of teaching and learning strategies to cater for individual learning styles. All parent/carers should feel confident that their child's progress is being carefully monitored.
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