Book Creator

World War II

by 4B

Pages 8 and 9 of 69


  Working Still
While factories kept churning out weapons, the war was still going strong in Europe with a famous attack called D Day with at least 15,000 casualties. Everyone was still going strong but
because jobs paid higher, a lot more people were moving to cities that had factories with jobs which meant cities were getting overcrowded.

Also on the downside, since a lot of people were moving to big cities that already had a big population, the newcomers had to live in tiny apartments, R.Vs, and trailers rather than a house. A lot of people were leaving their jobs that were important like school teachers, secretaries, and other not so exciting jobs, so some businesses had to close their doors.

But, that’s not even the worst part. Women were subject to unfair pay, harassment, and barely any breaks at their so-called “Miracle Jobs”.  But they kept going on strong and never gave up!
Did you know that World War II lasted for 6 years and 1 day before Germany surrendered!
Amazing Woman:
Grace Hopper
Grace Hopper
Grace Hopper was a great role model for working women because she was a professor for 10 years before she decided to follow in her great-grandfather’s footsteps and join the Navy in December of 1943.
When she finally got to the Bureau of Ships Computation Project at Harvard, she was given 1 week to learn how to use one of the most complicated machines ever! ( IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator aka the MARK )

Before we entered the war, computers were just for solving mathematical equations, but then, Grace Hopper and a lot of other people at Harvard helped to refine computers to calculate where rockets would land. After the war, Grace stayed in the Navy and became a rear admiral. “ If it’s a good idea, go ahead and do it. It’s much easier to apologize than it is to get permission”- Grace Hopper  
Even though the war effort was difficult, and the conditions of work weren’t perfect and could be dangerous, women showed that they can work just like men if given the chance. And while their lives were being turned upside down, women showed bravery and still do in all their situations. No dictator or war could ever silence their power and might!