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May Newsletter 2022

by Aspire / Probus

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May 2022 Newsletter
Head of School message
Dear Parents
May is an important time for our year six pupils as they take the national statutory tests in SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar), Reading and Mathematics. We would like to congratulation the pupils on their "can do" attitude and mature focus. We are very proud of the effort made and look forward to focusing on the transition activities and celebration of their achievements.
Our new summer term projects are underway and these include as much outdoor learning opportunities as possible, which we feel are essential for wellbeing and growth. Many thanks to everyone who has donated vegetables, flowers and compost. The outdoor areas are developing really well and the children are so excited by the allotment, polytunnel and wildlife. The pond has toads and insects galore for whom the children have been creating bug hotels.
This is a very busy term so please make sure you note down all the dates. The Jubilee memory tea is fast approaching so don't forget to let us know if you wish to attend using the online form on previous letter.
Please scroll through the pages of our new look newsletter to discover more of this months events and news.
Best wishes, Ms Praed
New appointment
We are delighted to be expanding our senior leadership team and have appointed an assistant Head of School. This role has be awarded to Mrs Bowen who has several years experience of middle leadership. In Ms Praed's absence she will be the key contact and will join our leadership team, which currently consists of Miss Guy (Early years), Mrs Livingstone (Sendco) and Mrs Perfect (Senior teacher.)
Mrs Bowen wishes to share, “I am delighted and excited to take on this opportunity and work closely with others to develop this marvellous school.”
Special event - Singing Workshops
Many thanks to the Hall for Cornwall artist Matt Thomasson who gave the pupils an excellent singing workshop. This was followed by the staff singing tuition to increase our skills in teaching pitch and rhythm. It was pleasing (and rather surprising) that the end product sounded so melodic!
Curriculum highlights - Nursery
In nursery we have been learning about a special occasion, can you guess what it is?
We have learnt that the Queen has been on the throne for 70 years and that the colours of the Union Jack are Red White and Blue. We made a collage of our hand prints so that we can make a kite to be displayed alongside the rest of the classes' in school.  
Curriculum highlights - Reception
Acorns have had a wonderful start to their 'Minibeasts and Big Beasts' topic. We have created a science area in our sensory garden filled with magnifying glasses, minibeast homes, a wormery and other scientific resources that inspire observation, discussion and experimentation. The children have demonstrated true care for our environment and we have some new classroom pets - caterpillars that we will watch, nurture and help turn into butterflies!
Curriculum highlights - Year 1
Year one have been finding out about the amazing dinosaurs that once roamed the earth. We've used our bodies to make timelines of our planet, finding out that dinosaurs did not exist at the same time as humans, and learned what a palaeontologist does. In English, we have created brilliant dinosaur poems and performed dinosaur songs. With the help of Mrs Hughes, we have worked hard on our sketching skills, drawing dinosaurs and ammonites.
Curriculum highlights - Year 2
Year two were history detectives at Pendennis Castle learning about local history and Cornish myths and legends. This term they will be exploring our wonderful county and learning about it's unique culture and stories.
The class will also undertake the national tests for reading, spelling punctuation and grammar and mathematics. These will be integrated into the normal classroom experience during the next few weeks.