Book Creator

May Newsletter 2022

by Aspire / Probus

Pages 6 and 7 of 24

Curriculum highlights - Reception
Acorns have had a wonderful start to their 'Minibeasts and Big Beasts' topic. We have created a science area in our sensory garden filled with magnifying glasses, minibeast homes, a wormery and other scientific resources that inspire observation, discussion and experimentation. The children have demonstrated true care for our environment and we have some new classroom pets - caterpillars that we will watch, nurture and help turn into butterflies!
Curriculum highlights - Year 1
Year one have been finding out about the amazing dinosaurs that once roamed the earth. We've used our bodies to make timelines of our planet, finding out that dinosaurs did not exist at the same time as humans, and learned what a palaeontologist does. In English, we have created brilliant dinosaur poems and performed dinosaur songs. With the help of Mrs Hughes, we have worked hard on our sketching skills, drawing dinosaurs and ammonites.