Book Creator

January 2024 Newsletter

by Aspire / Probus Primary School


January 2024 Newsletter
Head of School message
What a lovely month we have had in school. Pupils have been concentrating on "respect for others" in our assemblies and considering dreams and goals in their PHSE curriculum. It is always lovely to hear the aspirational futures they wish to carve for themselves. We hope to give them the firm foundations for this future.
This month Mrs Ng has begun teaching in year three and four. We are awaiting news from Mrs Wooley.
I hope you enjoy our curriculum pictures as we begin our new projects for the Spring term.
Best wishes,
Ms Praed
In our Nursery, we value books. You are never too young to enjoy our library. The pupils were so interested in the stories.
Reception to the moon!
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...Blast Off!
The children in Reception have really enjoyed our topic and took an adventure to the moon following on from the launch of a pyjama day at school.
We have been working together to make our own rocket shapes by tapping in pins with a hammer, as well as making constellations on the computer by joining the next numbered dot.
What an amazing response from parents for our topic homework. The children have made moon cakes, constellations with marshmallows and spaghetti, as well as moon gazing and junk model rockets, aliens and a diorama. Well done everyone and thank you to parents for your support. The children have loved sharing them!
Year 1, Willow Class
Year 1 have had a brilliant start to the new year, exploring Brazil through our new topic. We have learned about samba music and have been using body percussion to create our own samba band.

In History, the children have loved investigating Victorian toys and comparing them to modern ones.

We have been programming Bee Bots in Computing and have had a lot of messy fun in our outdoor learning and Art sessions!
Year 2 - Amazing Adventures and Risky Rescues.
We started the new term by setting sail on an adventure and rescue and making our own ship's flag!
Our adventure took us to a land of music where we have begun to learn the Ukulele.
We took Explorer Bear and our own brave bears on a mission to find landmarks on an aerial map.