Book Creator

February 2024 Newsletter

by Aspire / Probus Primary School


February 2024 Newsletter
Head of School message
February has gone in a flash and it is wonderful to see the signs of spring popping up all over our grounds.
Although it is getting lighter, it is still very cold and wet so please ensure your child has adequate clothing and is wearing it to school, not carrying it.
It was lovely to have so many parents share our reading session. It was a chance to ask questions about our approach and speak directly with staff. It is always good to speak with us, rather than use group chats, so staff can explain anything you are interested in knowing. We often receive many positive comments and teachers appreciate your support. We always aim to be open and accessible, so once again please raise any issues directly with staff.
This newsletter is full of great pictures sharing some of our academic activities but also our wider curriculum. There has been a lovely smell of vegetable soup filling the corridor and I have seen some great art work this month,
Best wishes, Ms Praed
Nursery - Being active
Nursery did so well with the PE lesson in the hall matching colours and body parts
Evil Pea Strikes!
Reception have made an amazing start to our 'Farm to Fork' topic and managed to rescue some veggies which had been frozen by evil pea!
The pea was up to plenty of mischief and even took some numbers from our number line!
Answers in the next newsletter, or if you can't wait...ask Reception class!
The children complete a morning activity when arriving to school and have made a super effort in their independent writing of words to accompany the pictures on the screen. We have practiced our number formation and 'explorify' tasks to discuss what what we think a zoomed in image could be. Do you have any ideas about this one?
Year 1, Willow Class
Willow Class are loving their new topic of ‘Spectacular Space’. We have been focusing on a booked called ‘Beegu’ in our Literacy lessons which we will continue to explore until Easter. We have been using our VIPERS skill of inference to pick clues from the text and the pictures. Our outcome for this unit of work will be to write a letter to keep Beegu at school.
Using inference to understand how a character is feeling.
Speech Bubble
We used our inference skills to find our how Beegu might have been feeling and why.
Speech Bubble
Caption writing for a picture.
Speech Bubble
Year 2 - Learning to play our Ukulele.
Learning to play the C chord.
Learning to play a rock riff.