Book Creator

Beautiful tears

by Yuna Iwata

Pages 4 and 5 of 10

Then the doorbell rang 5 times in a row. I opened the door slowly. When I opened, there was 3 kid standing in front of me. They gave me 3 letters to me and said, “give that to Kaito”.
So I went to Kaito’s room and said “your friend had just come and passed me this letter. They said I have to give you the letter” . Then Kaito said“oh, thanks!” .
That evening at 7 PM dad came home from the office with the rush. I wondered what has happened to him. Because he always came home at 1 PM but today he came home at 7 PM.

Then he whispered to my mom something that I don’t know and she made a surprised face.  

That midnight I woke up to go to the bathroom. On the way, I saw my mom and dad were talking softly.
I heard my mom’s voice.
“but what should we do?” she said worriedly.
 I got really curious of her question. When I tried to listen, it was a serious conversion. I wondered if what I was hearing was real. I slapped my face.

I couldn't control myself “why should we have to stay here for another 6 years!? I don’t want to….” I cried.
“Let’s talk, ” my father said. I wiped my face.
”Today at work my boss said it's too dangerous for us to move to Japan so we should stay for another 6 years… we should...”. My tears fell down on the table. I responded “but why……..” .
“Because of world war II” dad said it softly.
“Why world war II is dangerous ?” I asked.
“Yeah, there are many dangerous things in world war II. For example, people kill people who didn’t do any bad things at all. also, they crush into there air plains by their own airplanes. some people are happy that they can go to the war” dad whispered to me. My dad told the saddest fact ever.

That night I couldn't sleep as long as I thought the feeling of the people who died in the war. (How can the war be ended?) I asked my self.