Book Creator

New Planet

by Gabriel C.


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"Yeah i have!" responded rebecca.
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"Hello Rebecca I've heard you found a new planet in our solar system, the Milky-way Galaxy!" exclaimed Gabriel.
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"Can you tell me some things about your planet?" asked gabriel.
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"So, how many moons and rings does your new descovered planet have?" said gabriel.
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"Well," told rebecca, "My new descovered planet has 14 Moons and 20 rings!"
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"I have three questions," announced Gabriel, "How is your planet similar to surrounding planets, what would it be like visiting the planet, and how did you decide on the name for your planet?"
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"Well," replied rebecca, "My planet is a gas giant, cant support life, it has lots of rings, and lots of moons. second, my planet is very dangerous and interesting if you visit it. finally, i decided the name on how it rotates on its axis."
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