Book Creator

RE and CD Ebook

by Eloise Maccabee


RE and Christian Distinctiveness and South Wilford
Religious Eduction at South Wilford
RE at South Wilford is delivered and planned to be a diverse and balanced curriculum, with a multi-Faith approach whilst still maintaining a Christian focus. Our aim is to deepen children’s understanding through three core strategies: thinking, living and believing. Through these three strategies we will encourage children to think deeply about the lives of those around us, to understand and respect differences and to become citizens of the world. Our RE teaching enables children to develop socially, emotionally, spiritually and morally through deep thought and questioning. Our vision includes RE being taught throughout the curriculum, in English, Topic, Art, Music and Dance. We aim to enrich students lived by planning trips such as a visit to Southwell minster in year 3. All of this will ready the children to be culturally diverse and go into the future with a diverse understanding of the world around us.
Multi-Faith Marketplace
Listen to Norah in year 3 explain our multi faith marketplace
Pupil voice from the market place
Listen to Sam in Y4
Sadie in EYFS wants to do it again!
Anya in year 3 loved it!
Multi-faith market place
In July this year we held another of our fantastic Multi Faith market place events, it was another brilliant success with many extra adults coming in to support and be experts on their own religions. This year, it was even more interactive with opportunities for children to explore religious clothing, apps made by the children and special stories. It was a wonderful event that South Wilford are extremely proud of!