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Facts About Rabbits

by Evie and Maya


Facts about Rabbits
Table Of Contents
Different Rabbit Sizes...3-4
What to Eat and NOT Eat...5
Life Cycle...6
Want to Be My Friend?...7
Differences Between Rabbits and Hares...8
Source List...9
Different Rabbit Sizes
Every rabbit lover would want a rabbit that suits them right? Well, the Netherland Dwarf is the smallest pet rabbit. It weighs less than 2 lbs [ 1 kg.] Small rabbits might be shy and nervous, they're not a good pet for first time owners.
Fun Fact

When a rabbit is about 4 lbs it can sign up for a rabbit /pet show!!!
A medium rabbit is the most popular , good natured , and easy to handle. It also eats less than its bigger relative , and needs less living space.
Fun Fact

An English Lop has the biggest ears in the world , but , the Flemish Giant is the biggest rabbit IN the world!
What to Eat and NOT Eat
Rabbits always need fresh food like well-washed salad and dark green veggies. They also need daily water. Rabbits are herbivores, so they don't eat meat. Don't stop them from eating their poop! It helps them get all the vitamins out of their food.
Not to eat:
potato, appleseeds, buttercup, rhubarb leaves and stalks, oak leaves, acorns, ivy leaves and stalks, tomato leaves and stalks.
Life Cycle
A female rabbit has about 10 babies. When babies are first born they can not see for 2 weeks. Babies are called kits. Rabbits are full grown when they are 12 months old.