Book Creator

Promoting Literature in Schools Portfolio

by Tara Degelmann

Pages 6 and 7 of 16

Cultivating Genius
I would say that when I was young, I grew up in a Christian home in which we learned that we accepted all people, no matter the color of their skin. I still model that same philosophy today and have had to work to put myself in others' shoes to truly understand what happens to them, when they encounter a society that may not be as accepting. I've tried to learn, grow, and seek to understand others' bias.
Culture is a beautiful life experience. What makes public education so special to me, are all the different people who bring culture into our community. This makes for a unified classroom. Muhammad speaks to us about how to self reflect and to truly know our students through their personal histories. As I continue to grow as an educator and human being, I want to ensure that I tap into others' histories in order to fully know them.
The first book my mother read aloud to me was "The Boxcar Children". It was the first book that I could visualize based on how my mother read the story to me. It was a time when I realized that I loved literature. I just needed to bring it to life, whether through a read aloud or a visual/sensory tool. Audio books have saved me as an adult. I reflect on my own literacy journey and I know that I have not been well versed in classics. I truly did not read much as a kid.
Ways to Improve
As I grow in my profession, I carefully select my read alouds. I work hard to ensure that the stories I choose to read are thought provoking, accepting, and support unity in my classroom.
I've referenced much of Mohammad's work in this reflection, but I'd like to share my thoughts on equity from Wilfong. She mentions in the article "A Mirror, a Window: Assisting Teachers in Selecting Appropriate Multicultural Young Adult Literature", how important it is in our own book selection process to ensure that we attend to the authors of books. We should analyze what they are writing and connect the authenticity of their literature from a personal or lived perspective. This was an important moment for me, and I feel I will definitely utilize this method for choosing good books, based off this recommendation.
Muhammad, G. (2020). Cultivating Genius: An Equity Framework for Culturally and Historically Responsive Literacy. Scholastic Teaching Resources (Teaching Strategies).

Wilfong, L. G. (2007). A Mirror, a Window: Assisting Teachers in Selecting Appropriate Multicultural Young Adult Literature. International Journal of Multicultural Education, 9(1), 8–13.