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All About Antarctica

by Megan Guerrero


All About Antarctica
By Miss Guerrero's Class
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didyou now that artic fox fir is as withe as the snow
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did you now that fothr panqins sit on ther eggs
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so colde
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the antarticica oshin is 241,000,000 feet
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you now that leprd sels eat panqins
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cill walls migerate to antarctica
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Ice bergs are dangerous to ships.
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am i blue!
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Ice bergs can live up to 100,000 years old.
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yay i'm green.
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where are my fried fish.
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Artic foxes have the warmest pelt.
Artic fox have a good sense of smell.
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It's cold here! brrrrrrrrrrrrr.
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emperor penguins are the largest penguin.
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I'm sliding on my belly ouch piece of ice!
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emperor penguins live up to 20 years old.
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Ross, weddell, crabeater, leaopard, fur, and elephant are 6 types of seal. They give birth to one pup at a time.
seals gather at rookeries of up to 150,000 seals to mate.
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Whisers help them feel a ronud to find food.Seals eat find squid,krill, and even penguins.
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Arctic foxes dig dens in the snow.
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They eat fish, birth, and other small animls. Females give birth about 50 days later.
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Thick fur keeps them warm.
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Antartica is the 5th largest contenet. Its size varies. Antartica has an area of 54 million miles.
Wild life is a foucus of antartica . sceintests study astronomy geolegy and weather. Sceintests work mostly in the summer.
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Antarticas average tempeture is -10.In the elevated inland they average about -55. Antartica is the coldest place on earth.
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The frozen southern content wasn't spotted until 1820. Jhon Davis was the first to claim he landed on Antartica first.In 1904 Ernest Shackelton set out to be first to acheive croosing over the Atlantic through the south pole.
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Iceburges are made of freshwater ice. There are two main kinds of iceburges tabular iceburges and non- tabular iceburges. Tabular iceburges have step sides and a flat top. Non- tabular iceburges have a lot of differnt shapes
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seals were hunted in the 18th and 19 th centry . Only 6 of the 35 speices live in antartica.Seals are well adapted to cold weather.
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Arctic fox have small ears.
penguins cant fly.
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antartca is 200 feet.
It 5,000,0000 gm.

Emper penguin live in antarca
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burr i'm freezing i want to go to zoo i'm hungry can i have a sasige pizza so bad right now.
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