Book Creator

The story of our quilts

by Sayreville University

Pages 2 and 3 of 9

Our Quilt Story
(Our celebration of each new educator class. Educators share their hopes and dreams for the year by creating a quilt block during summer orientation. Quilts are hung outside Room 18 in Selover.)
This the quilt for the class of 2015-16. It is the second quilt I made. The pattern is a traditional four square.
Purple was one of my grandmother's favorite colors. Wonder if that could be heredity? After all, I do all my sewing on her old Singer.
For the class of 2016-17, I chose the Attic Window pattern. When you see it in person, it does have a 3D quality. This is the second Attic Window quilt I made. The first was earlier that summer for my niece's first child.
This quilt made for the class of 2017-18 is composed of Log Cabin blocks. The setting refers to the the layout of the blocks. I used the Barn Raising layout.
I can see the "logs" getting further apart as you reach the end of the quilt.