Book Creator

Project work: Land Art

by Mabel Carrola

Pages 4 and 5 of 73

Comic Panel 1
A Line
made by
Comic Panel 1
A Line
A Line Made By Walking
Richard Long, 1967

It's difficult to talk about what this piece of art
depicts and what its objective is, considering it wasn’t a thought-out piece, the artist simply walked back and forth in a straight line and took a photo of the result.

However, this piece holds a very important
meaning in both the artist's life and the history of land art; it sparked the artist's interest in artwork made mostly by walking (A Walking And Running Circle (2003), A LIne And

Tracks In Bolivia (1981), etc…), and it's considered one of the most important early work in Land Art history.

The main concept of this piece is that art can be made by simply walking, and that's why I like this piece so much. I think that it’s such a beautiful thing that human's impact on and connection with nature, even if it’s made by something as meaningless as walking, can be
considered art.

Maria Klut