Book Creator

My Challenge Book: Early Years

by West Dunbartonshire Council

Pages 2 and 3 of 51

My Challenge Book
(Early Years)
50+ activities, ideas and learning challenges
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Make a Reading Den
Make a reading den from things around your house. You could use chairs, blankets or cushions. Once it's complete, snuggle up together and enjoy a good book. There a lot of great ideas in this video!
Traditional Tunes for Tiny People
Live music Scotland's Traditional Tunes for Tiny People Project. Join in with these wonderful interactive sessions for 0-5 year-olds featuring Scottish songs on guitar, ukelele and accordion. Follow the actions to Katie Bairdie and dance to Scottish jigs at home!
Walking through the Jungle
Sing the walking through the jungle song. Can you pretend to be a jungle animal? Can you make the sounds that animal makes?
Homemade Play Dough
What you need:
• 2 cups of plain flour • 2 cups of water • 1 cup of salt • 2 tablespoons of cream of tartar • Food colouring

What to do: Mix together in a saucepan and bring to boil. Cook for a further two minutes until it forms a solid lump and allow to cool. Knead on a floured surface. Store in an airtight container or cling film. This should last for a few weeks. Why not try making fairy dough by adding some glitter.
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