Book Creator

My hip journey

by Loraine Ledwell - St Clare's

Pages 2 and 3 of 15

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by loraine
My Challenge

A Hippie's Journey
After two years, 111 weeks to be exact, of waiting for a total hip replacement due to Osteoarthritis...
My sister, my angel
Living with arthritis is challenging. The effects of this condition are widespread, touching not those that suffer the pain, fatigue and isolation that it causes but those of our loved ones, and that, sometimes, is more unbearable.

Pain is often hidden behind your eyes
...the day for surgery finally arrived! A bright shiny new hip awaited me; its promise to rid me of pain and to a enable me to live a better, or more 'normal' life once again.
some matching pants and reading material!
Even my loo seat was prepared!
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I was more ready than you'll ever know!
And before I knew it, here was Hermione! Carefully placed by the wonderful Mr David Edwards MBBCh, MRCS, FRCS Orth @
There was definitely a plus side to my hospital stay!
After 4 days of the best possible care it was time for home.
where I was looked after so well, my days were bright...
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My days were bright and I felt so special
I even tried out a new mode of transport!
There were improvements and changes every day!
And I started to be able to do things that I hadn't been able to in years!
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I was even able to meet a short term goal of walking on the beach with my 'littles'
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