Book Creator

Pod A

by Dean, Dylan, Daniel ,Aoife and Sophie B

Pages 4 and 5 of 12

He quickly dusted himself off and ordered Buddy, an ordinary elf, to put the sleigh away. Buddy brought the reindeer in one by one into their individual stalls in the stable. That was until he got to Rudolph. He was very gloomy for some reason and was coughing uncontrollably. Buddy was very concerned so he informed Santa. Santa immediately called the elf vet, Eve. Eve examined Rudolph thoroughly. She mumbled that she had bad news. Rudolph was not able to fly for Christmas. Santa shouted “Christmas puddings! What do you mean?” Eve explained that Rudolph had caught a tummy bug and a severe flu.
Eve the vet
As time went on Rudolph's condition improved slightly but Buddy was still concerned. It was the 23rd of December and time was running out. Buddy went to Santa, who was unhappy and not in the Christmas spirit like his usual self. Santa went into the massive toy factory and declared that he would go on his annual trip without Rudolph. Rudolph overheard his announcement and all the other reindeer did too. Rudolph wailed uncontrollably and sighed "This is the worst Christmas ever!" Santa ordered Buddy to take out the sleigh from the garage. Buddy did as he was ordered and also brought the reindeer outside, one by one, from their stalls. Poor Rudolph was left all by himself. Buddy tacked up the reindeer and connected the reins up to the sleigh.