Book Creator

Yan Chi

by Rose Thrush


Yan Chi
Once upon a time, there was a little girl who lived in China. Her name was Yan Chi, and she really, really loved celebrating the traditions, history, and delicious food of her country.
She dreamed about traveling across the ocean to other lands where she could teach them about the beautiful heritage of her people.

Her teacher told her that if she worked really hard and learned many things, she would be able to go ANYWHERE she wanted in the WHOLE world.
So, every morning when Yan got out of bed, she knew she must work very hard and follow the directions of her teachers.

So, she worked, and she worked, and she WORKED!
As the years went by, she kept on learning. She did not give up, even when she was really tired. She just kept on learning.

Sometimes, she wondered if she would EVER really even get to go. But, she kept working. She worked, and she worked, and she WORKED!
Finally, little Yan finished all of her studies and grew up to become a teacher in a very fine Chinese school.

It was almost time to travel across the world. But, first, she had to pass a test to prove that she was truly ready. Each night when she went to bed, she wondered what it would be like to teach in a land so far away.

She also wondered if she would pass the test. So, she worked, and she worked, and she WORKED!