Book Creator

Irish Aid Project

by 3rd and 4th class

Pages 2 and 3 of 313

We worked in groups researching the eight countries Ireland is partnered with.

We found our country in our atlas which we photographed and included in our book.
We found the flag of our country.
We created a fact box on our country using world book kids online for our research.
We compared our country with Ireland using World Book Kids online “compare countries” tool.
We found some “free to use” photographs of our country which we included.
We found out why our country needs our help by looking at the problems in our country.
We did some art work on the “Leave No one Behind” theme which we photographed for inclusion in our book.

We collated our eight books to make one class book.
We learned lots about the eight countries while also improving out IT skills.
Page. Country

4. Ethiopia

20. Tanzania

40 Mozambique

58. Sierra Leone

78. Malawi

96. Uganda

112. Zambia

134. Vietnam