Book Creator

Burning World


Pages 4 and 5 of 21

Pen. An instrument for writing or drawing with ink, typically consisting of a metal nib or ball, or a nylon tip, fitted into a metal or plastic holder. Pen. Why would I value a pen of all things? What could be so important about a pen? Well have you felt a cheap pen? Then used a firm metal pen, weighted at the grip with a fine tip that doesn’t run ink all over the page as you ponder the next word. Have you never found the one just right? Where you write suddenly smoother. Where you write suddenly faster. That is why a pen is important to me. It sits in my pocket, bag or pouch waiting. It rests lightly against the page never rolling, never complaining. And when I reach for its assistance it sits there obedient and waiting ready to sacrifice everything it has for the cause at hand. Never questioning, never faltering. If only one could have a friend like that.
Pen. An instrument for writing or drawing with ink, typically consisting of a metal nib or ball, or a nylon tip, fitted into a metal or plastic holder. Pen. Why would I value a pen of all things? What could be so important about a pen? Well have you felt a cheap pen? Then used a firm metal pen, weighted at the grip with a fine tip that doesn’t run ink all over the page as you ponder the next word. Have you never found the one just right? Where you write suddenly smoother. Where you write suddenly faster. That is why a pen is important to me. It sits in my pocket, bag or pouch waiting. It rests lightly against the page never rolling, never complaining. And when I reach for its assistance it sits there obedient and waiting ready to sacrifice everything it has for the cause at hand. Never questioning, never faltering. If only one could have a friend like that.
And people often dismiss it. The power of the pen. They ponder and they quote that it may be mightier than the sword. No one ever stops though. No one ever thinks. And the man behind the desk just ticks and ticks and ticks. He signs away lives to end hundreds more. He keeps the men in prisons and the women indoors. He turns a blind eye from the rich and turns them to the poor. Oh silly people, not blind but who ignore. It really is true that the pen be mightier than the sword.