Book Creator

Field Trip to Beakerhead

by Hajnal Kiss

Pages 2 and 3 of 43

On september 20th, 2018 me and my class went to Beakerhead and in my opinion it was awesome. So what we did first was that we went to see a keyboard that was attached to a tower with Tesla coils. Next we went to section that had a lot of plants there. So at the plant section we made a seed bomb. I bet you don't no what a seed bomb is. Well I will tell you. It is a ball of dirt with sunflower seeds in it. So next was my favorite part. We built a house out of scratch it was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is why I want you to go there. Oh, I forgot to say this at the start: you know how I said first we went to see the keyboard… well we actually unwrapped a saran wrap and in it, it had cool stuff.