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Wonder ofNizhny Novgorod

by Галина Санаткина

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Historical facts & сurrent preparation for the 800 th anniversary
The empress Catherine II was horrified by the state of Nizhny Novgorod. Devastation reigned here. In October 1834, her grandson Nicholas I came to the city. The first thing he noticed was traffic jams on the territory of the Kremlin. In particular, they were in the Ivanovskaya and Dmitrievskaya towers/. The next day, he personally drew ways to bypass the territory of the fortress and advised to create two embankments.
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Magic Kremlin in winter
The Dmitrievskaya Tower
Dmitrievskaya (Dmitrovskaya) tower is a passage tower of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin, overlooking the Minin and Pozharsky square. It is considered to be the main gate of the fortress. This tower is the unofficial symbol of Nizhny Novgorod. It got its modern look in the pseudo-Russian style in 1895.
Wonderful installations on the walls of the Kremlin
are devoted to Minin and Pozharsky
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During the Time of Troubles Nizhny Novgorod continued to support occupied Moscow. Almost the entire country was under Polish occupation, there were no Poles in Nizhny. At the same time, the citizens of Nizhny Novgorod elected a new zemstvo headman - Kuzma Minin.
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National heroes Minin and Pozharsky are known to be leaders of the Second People's Home Guard during the Time of Troubles.
Inhabitants of Nizhny Novgorod, led by the headman Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky, gathered Home Guard to liberate Moscow from Polish invaders in 1611.
By decision of the city council a general meeting of Nizhny Novgorod residents was appointed in the Kremlin. There Minin appealed to the people to unite for the liberation of Russia from foreign invaders and asked Prince Dmitry Pozharsky to lead the people's Home Guard.
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By the fall of 1612, the capital was free.

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