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The Middle Colonies

by Michael Poskevich

Pages 2 and 3 of 6

The Middle Colonies
We are the very best!
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Come to the Middle colonies because, Quakers are not fakers!
Michael Poskevich 5-D

The Middle colonies were founded because us, the British, wanted new trade routes! Another reason was that King Charles attacked the Dutch, Won, and gave the land to his brother the Duke of York. One of the colonies, Pennsylvania, was founded for religious freedom for the Quakers!
Hello! I am here to tell you about the Economy of the Middle Colonies, We have a lot of Lumbermen due to the growing seasons. We also have lots of miners and merchants! So, if you move here, you will make lots of $$$ and have a good job!
So! You are still reading! That’s very good because you would not want to miss out on this! This is kind of like a add on to the economy. We have lots of big mines with lots of iron and copper so if you need so rocks, come to us for lots!
So! You might be thinking, mmmmh, there is so much good stuff about this place! You also may be wondering about the geography. Lucky for you, I will tell you about it! We have long growing seasons good for growing crops! We also have a mildly cold winter for you to cool off in! And, we have again, mild summers that are perfect for taking a break when you need one! That is the geography for the Middle colonies.
Hello! Oh, it’s you! I’m glad you are still here! I’m going to tell you why you should move to the Middle Colonies. You may want to move to the New England colonies even after all of the good stuff I told you. First of all, there are extremely long hard and cold winters that could KILL. Another reason is that the soil is rocky and hard to farm in!
Then there is the Southern colonies. You should NOT move there because it is VERY hot and there are way to many swamps that make it hard to farm in! That’s all folks! See you in the Middle!

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