Book Creator

The Wolf and the Herd

by Students of Glennallen School


Tap on page objects to hear Ahtna words. There are 11 different audio "Touch Zones" in this book. Can you find them all?
Elder / Translator
Lemmie Charley

Middle School Team Teachers
Mark Pick
David Krimmel
Chad Gerlach

Native Youth Leadership Coordinator
Lacayah Engebretson

Student Artists
Brooklyn A, Grade 6
Eliana Hm Grade 8
Ambrosia W, Grade 7
Lonnie H, Grade 8
Amani, Grade 8
Cheyenne, N Grade 6
Christian, Grade 6

Brady D, Grade 8
Ambrosia W, Grade 7

Thanks To
Principal Francis Jackson and Superintendent Shaun Streyle for their leadership in making the Glennallen Book Slam possible.

Book Slam Project Management
Steve Nelson, Project Coordinator, Consortium for Digital Learning, Association of Alaska School Boards
Cheryl Bobo, Site Facilitator

© 2019 Copper River School District
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On a beautiful Alaskan day, Wolf was walking along the tree line. He noticed he was feeling peckish and ready for a meal. Wolf made his way deeper into the forest in search of food.
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He came across a huge herd of caribou in the clearing. Wolf sat in the darkness of the trees, hiding not to scare the herd away.
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Wolf watched the herd for a bit of time before creeping closer to them. He watched a small caribou and sneakily crept even closer to it.
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Wolf jumped out from his hiding spot at the caribou. The rest of the herd ran away terrified. Wolf loved the delicious caribou. But soon after, he became selfish and wanted more.