Book Creator

P7 Yearbook 2021

by Kirstine Mullin

Pages 4 and 5 of 33

Message from Mrs McLean
To all P7's!
Wishing you all the very best of luck as you make your way into Secondary school. You all have lots to give and many talents to share and will be missed here at Glenurquhart Primary. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with you all over the years, but in particular, on a Wednesday in your P7 year. 
Comic Panel 1
I look forward to hearing how you all get on, best of luck in your futures,
Mrs McLean
Message from Mr McAndrew
Well P7, I can't believe we are at the end of the year already! While I've only known you for a relatively short amount of time, it has been great to see you mature throughout the year, and what a year it has been! Well done for all the hard work you have all put in over the last year and beyond, I truly hope that you have enjoyed the last 7 years ! Just like you, this time last year I was preparing myself to go to Glen Urquhart High School for the first time. I shared many of the same feelings you may be having right now. The excitement of starting a new school, the nerves of what it will be like. I can tell you, from my experience, you have nothing to worry about! GUHS is a great school with even better people! It will be a chance for you to meet new friends, learn new skills and have a lot of fun! I guess I am the lucky one because I get to share this new experience with you. I know you will all find your way and have a great high school experience. Just remember that if you are ever anxious or nervous when starting and need someone to talk to, there's a familiar face in the PE department and my door is always open. 
I wish you all the best, I cannot wait to see you all in the next chapter of your school career.