Book Creator

Immigration Station

by Madelei Gallo O'Connell

Pages 2 and 3 of 13

by Madelei.
Why the immigrants came.
The immigrants came from many countries , most of the immigrants came because of war or because of bad life, sometimes they were threatened because they were part of a different religion. They usually just had to pack up and leave, but sometimes they just had to leave.
Famous immigrants
Some famous immigrants are named Alexander Graham Bell, Albert Einstein, Gloria Estefan, Mohandas K Gandhi,
And Madeleine Albright.
Immigrants came from many countries including Finland, Italy
Germany , England, Poland, and Ireland
The boat.
There were three levels on the boat the first level was the best. The second level was also pretty good . the third level was for the people who had almost no money.
First level had the best food and the best rooms. The second level have pretty good food and they at least had someplace good to sleep. The third level had terrible food and they had only small bunks stacked on top of each other.
The arrival for the immigrants was kind of cool they got to see the Statue of Liberty and everything else. everyone prayed at the Statue of Liberty it was an amazing sight. When they Got off the boat They went to the stairs which would lead them to the Registry room. The doctors secretly watched them looking for coughing or Limping.
The registry room.
When the immigrants came into the registry room it was always very noisy and very crowded, there were so many immigrants wanting to come to America. There were different stations for the immigrants to go to. Each station had its own questions. In all you had to get a certain amount of questions right.
Medical exam.
In the medical exam they ask you a whole bunch of questions about your health, about if you have any fevers or diseases, how well you can see and if you have any broken bones. Some questions are not answered by the immigrant the doctor checks themselves.