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Hedgehogs class

by Annabel Porter

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Welcome to Hedgehogs Class
Welcome to Hedgehogs class. The children have settled well into their learning and are working hard already. I'm so lucky to be a Hedgehogs teacher.
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Our typical day:

8:45 - school opens. Children will come in to class, wash hands and do an early morning activity.
9:05 - phonics and reading
9:35 - English and handwriting
10:30 - Play and snack
10:45 - Maths
11:30 - Continuous provision
12:00 - Lunch
1:10 - Afternoon lessons
3:05 - Home time
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We are fortunate to have Miss Nunes, Miss Phillips and a trainee teacher Ms Uren in our class this year. Ms Uren will be with us until Christmas.
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The children will learn phonics every day in school. We will be teaching them phonemes, diagraphs, consonant clusters, split digraphs and trigraphs. These form the words that you and I read.
The phonics book will be matched to their knowledge of sounds and they will have an identical one in school to read during our phonics sessions.
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Reading Books
The children will be sent home with 2 reading books on a Monday which must be returned on Friday for a quarantine period. They will be encouraged to read for pleasure at home. We want all children to develop a love of reading at home and at school.
Please write comments in the reading diaries and these will be checked weekly.
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We will be following an immersive curriculum this year where much of our learning is linked to our Topic.
Autumn 1: The Farm
Autumn 2: Weather
Spring: London
Summer: Our Local Area

We will be adventuring on local trips so I may require some parental support. Thank you for your support with this.
For the first half term farm visits will happen every Monday afternoon.
Pictures will be uploaded to Tapestry where you can see what your child has been up to.
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PE will be on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Any changes will be posted on Tapestry.
Homework will be set on Tapestry on a Friday. To begin with it will start with spellings and they will generally be linked to our phonics.
Any additional homework will follow the same pattern.
There will be one project style homework set over a half term with a week either side.
Please follow our class page.
Knowledge Organiser
Please click on this link to check out our knowledge organiser for the information about the farm. This will show you and the children interesting information about our Topic.
We hope you have enjoyed learning about our class.
Any questions, feel free to message me on Tapestry.
Miss Porter