Book Creator

Newsletter Issue 33

by DA

Pages 2 and 3 of 13

Issue 33
Friday 10th June 2022
Thought Bubble
The final Term!
Welcome back to all of our families and friends - we hope you had a well-deserved rest over the May break. The children have settled back into a busy term well - they have been modeling fantastic learning behaviours and are excited to continue their learning experiences.

This term is incredibly busy with lots of learning opportunities, educational visits and community events to look forward to. 

Please make sure you keep an eye on Parentmail, Twitter and our website for messages about the exciting things to come!
Summer fair
As you will be aware, Kirton Road/ Churston Avenue will be holding their annual Summer Fair on Friday 1st July/ Monday 4th July from 1pm to 3pm. To support the success of the day, we encourage parents to arrive at 1pm to accompany children to the fair.
We also ask that you provide your children money at the start of the day in a container/bag so that they can take part and access the stalls available. There will be a wide range of activities including: Wet the Teacher, Bouncy Castle, Penalty Shootout, Face Painting, food and drinks and lots more. 

We look forward to seeing you and thank you for your continued support.
Food Bank Donations
Thank you to everyone who brought in a contribution for our food bank collection during our Jubilee week last term. It was much appreciated and has now been dropped off to a local foodbank.
Topical Talk
Congratulations to Zehan from Sycamore class (known as creative_idea on the Hub) for winning Competition #37 Title Challenge! This has put them in 7th Place of the Topical Talk Student Leaderboard and we are thrilled as a school to currently be in 5th Place on the School Leaderboard for this term's new Project: The Power of Sound.
Early years Big Toddle
It is that time of year again when our youngest children will be taking part in the Barnados Big Toddle. 
Children will be raising money for the children's charity, so please keep an eye out for a sponsorship form. 
All adults are welcome to attend the toddle, where we will walk from either Churston Avenue or Kirton Road to Plashet Park on Friday 17th June
For more information, please read the letter that went out earlier this week via Parentmail or speak to your child's class teacher. 
We look forward to seeing you all there. 
Coffee and Chat – HeadStart
Please find the attached information for HeadStart’s brilliant Coffee and Chat groups!

A warm, safe and confidential space for parents/carers to connect and learn together.
- Open and honest conversations
- Sharing lived experiences
- Tools, Tips & Advice
June 8th (10am) - face to face at Canning Town Library
June 22nd (6pm) - Virtual
Theme: Parents wellbeing
July 6th (10am) at Stratford Library
13th July (6pm) - Virtual
Theme: Transitions
To sign up, please click this link
We are pleased to share that the ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) qualifications will be available for parents and carers of children who attend Upton Cross. This programme is designed to help learners develop the English language and build confidence in using English in everyday life, education and employment. If you would like to take partplease sign up for the next course of free ESOL classes that will run for 5 weeks from Wednesday 15th of June to Wednesday the13th of July from 12-3pm.

This course will be offered face to face at our Kirton Road site. If you sign up it is really important that you attend all of the sessions. Please speak with Ms Graham at Churston Avenue or Ms Hammond at Kirton Road. You can also call the school and give your details to reception. Please read the attached leaflet for more information.