Book Creator

Newsletter Issue 30

by DA

Pages 8 and 9 of 13

Debate Mate
We are coming to the end of our Debate Mate year and our brilliant Y6 children have blown us away in the last debate competition!
A few weeks ago, our teams took on the challenge of the Debate Mate Cup and competed against 32 schools from all over London. We travelled to Baker Street to visit the University of Westminster campus, where we took part in multiple (successful) debates.
Our brave Y6 children were so good, in fact that they ended up debating in the final on stage against Elmhurst Primary. They smashed their speeches and made us proud, despite being the runners up. What a fantastic Debate cohort this year!!
Sharing Assembly
Due to the start of our new ‘Stay and Play’ Toddler group, we will now be having our Sharing Assemblies on a Thursday. This will start next week on Thursday 19th May - the times will remain the same.

Please check Orwell Road's rota & Churston Avenue's rota for your child’s new day.

Sorry for any inconvenience.